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When it comes to skin care and the fight against wrinkles, I believe in a holistic approach. Eating healthy foods, exercising, reducing stress, and effective skin care products all contribute to more youthful skin.  There are 24 foods that prevent and repair wrinkles from the inside. These foods aid your body in the fight against wrinkles, promoting healthy, vibrant skin. If you are serious about wrinkle reduction then these foods should be included in the staples of your diet.

Fruits                                                    Vegetables

Acai                                                       Bell Peppers

Acerola Cherries                                   Brussels Sprouts

Apples                                                   Carrots

Apricots                                                Garlic

Blackberries                                          Kale

Cantaloupe                                           Onions

Goji Berries                                          Spinach



Nuts and Seeds                                Miscellaneous

Almonds                                               Chocolate

Flax Seeds                                           Green Tea

Sunflower Seeds                                  Oats


There is an incredible book that goes into great detail with each of these wrinkle fighting foods called Feed Your Skin, Starve Your Wrinkles. She does an amazing job of describing what foods do what and why they are so good for your skin. I can’t recommend this book highly enough.

By consuming the right foods your skin will respond with significant changes. But, be patient and consistent, give your skin time to react to the changes and you will begin to notice glowing skin as well as a reduction in wrinkles. Take care of yourself inside and out and your skin will be beautiful!

Written by Victoria Girard
Victoria Girard helps women all over the world improve their skin with powerful tools such as red LED light therapy, natural skin care products, and tips on living a healthy lifestyle.